About Us

About me

Who is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Genç?

I was born in Samsun in 1976. After completing my primary, secondary and high school education in Samsun, I graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1999 and became a "Medical Doctor".

I worked at Izmir Behçet Uz Children's Hospital and Ankara Dr. Sami Ulus Children's Hospital and completed my Child Health and Diseases Specialist Training in 2004. During my pediatrics assistantship, I worked for a while at the University of Vienna Medical Faculty and was introduced to acupuncture, which is frequently used within the university, and started to use it actively.

I have frequently attended trainings in Turkey and abroad on acupuncture and various complementary medicine practices since 2002. I worked as a pediatrics and diseases specialist in Suruç district of Şanlıurfa, where I was first assigned, for 6 months. After completing my military service at Gülhane Military Medical Academy, I worked at Private Mesa Hospital and Ankara Private Ada Hospital for 1 year. During these periods, I had the opportunity to use complementary medicine methods more intensively, follow up many patients and evaluate their results.

While continuing my education and training in both Western medicine and complementary medicine congresses and meetings in Turkey and abroad, I completed the Acupuncture Practitioner Training given at Gazi University under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in 2007 and became an Acupuncture Practitioner Certificate holder. I started my Pediatric Nephrology Sub-Specialty at Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine at the beginning of 2008. During my specialization, I worked in the Kidney Transplantation Unit at Harvard University Faculty of Medicine for three months.

I received the title of Pediatric Nephrology Specialist in 2011 and Associate Professor in 2013. I currently practice Child Health and Diseases - Pediatric Nephrology patient follow-up and personalized holistic medicine practices in my own clinic in Samsun / Atakum. These include personalized IV (intravenous) applications, ozone therapy, osteopathy, manual therapy, posture analysis, acupuncture and mesotherapy.

Academic Publications
A. Articles published in international authoritative journals:
A1.  Sugianto RI, Schmidt BMW, Memaran N, Duzova A, Topaloglu R, Seeman T, König S, Dello Strologo L, Murer L, Özçakar ZB, Bald M, Shenoy M, Buescher A, Hoyer PF, Pohl M, Billing H, Oh J, Staude H, Pohl M,  Genc G , Klaus G, Alparslan C, Grenda R, Rubik J, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Wühl E, Melk A.Sex and age as determinants for high blood pressure in pediatric renal transplant recipients: a longitudinal analysis of the CERTAIN Registry. Pediatr Nephrol. 2020 Mar;35(3):415-426. doi: 10.1007/s00467-019-04395-4. Epub 2019 Dec 7.

A2. Bernardor J, Schmitt CP, Oh J, Sellier-Leclerc AL, Büscher A, Dello Strologo L, Genc G, John U, Weitz M, Zirngibl M, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Bacchetta J.The use of cinacalcet after pediatric renal transplantation: an international CERTAIN Registry analysis. Pediatr Nephrol. 2020 Sep;35(9):1707-1718. doi: 10.1007/s00467-020-04558-8. Epub 2020 May 4.

A3. Sugianto RI, Schmidt BMW, Memaran N, Duzova A, Topaloglu R, Seeman T, König S, Dello Strologo L, Murer L, Özçakar ZB, Bald M, Shenoy M, Buescher A, Hoyer PF, Pohl M, Billing H, Oh J, Staude H, Pohl M, Genc G, Klaus G, Alparslan C, Grenda R, Rubik J, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Wühl E, Melk A. Sex and age as determinants for high blood pressure in pediatric renal transplant recipients: a longitudinal analysis of the CERTAIN Registry. Pediatr Nephrol. 2020 Mar;35(3):415-426. doi: 10.1007/s00467-019-04395-4. Epub 2019 Dec 7. PMID: 31811541.

A4.  Nalcacioglu H, Ozkaya O, Baysal K, Kafali HC, Avci B, Tekcan D,  Genc G. The role of bioelectrical impedance analysis, NT-ProBNP and inferior vena cava sonography in the assessment of body fluid volume in children with nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology (Engl Ed). 2018 Jan-Feb;38(1):48-56. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 Jul 25

A5. Nalcacioglu H, Ceyhan Bilgici M, Tekcan D, Genc G, Bostanci Y, Yakupoglu YK, Sarikaya S, Ozkaya O.Nutcracker Syndrome in Children: Role of Doppler Ultrasonographic Indices in Detecting the Pattern of Symptoms. J Clin Med. 2018 Aug 13;7(8):214. doi: 10.3390/jcm7080214.

A6. Höcker B, Aguilar M, Schnitzler P, Pape L, Bald M, König J, Marks SD, Genc G, Büscher A, Kemper MJ, Billing H, Pohl M, Dello Strologo L, Webb NJA, Rieger S, Mankertz A, Krupka K, Bruckner T, Fichtner A, Tönshoff B.Vaccination titres pre- and post-transplant in paediatric renal transplant recipients and the impact of immunosuppressive therapy. Pediatr Nephrol. 2018 May;33(5):897-910. doi: 10.1007/s00467-017-3868-0. Epub 2018 Jan 10.

A7. Nalcacioglu H, Ozkaya O, Genc G, Ayyildiz S, Kefeli M, Elli M, Aydin O, Ceyhan Bilgici M.Efficacy of anakinra in a patient with systemic amyloidosis presenting as amyloidoma. Int J Rheum Dis. 2018 Feb;21(2):552-559. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13250. Epub 2017 Dec 13

A8.  Höcker B, Aguilar M, Schnitzler P, Pape L, Dello Strologo L, Webb NJA, Bald M,  Genc G , Billing H, König J, Büscher A, Kemper MJ, Marks SD, Pohl M, Wigger M, Topaloglu R, Rieger S, Krupka K, Bruckner T, Fichtner A, Tönshoff B.Incomplete vaccination coverage in European children with end-stage kidney disease prior to renal transplantation.Pediatr Nephrol. 2018 Feb;33(2):341-350. doi: 10.1007/s00467-017-3776-3. Epub 2017 Oct 5.

A9. Nalcacioglu H, Yakupoglu YK, Genc G, Belet N, Sensoy SG, Birinci A, Ozkaya O.Disseminated fungal infection by Aureobasidium pullulans in a renal transplant recipient. Pediatr Transplant. 2018 May;22(3):e13152. doi: 10.1111/petr.13152. Epub 2018 Feb 1.

A10. Nalcacioglu H, Ozkaya O, Baysal K, Kafali HC, Avci B, Tekcan D, Genc G.The role of bioelectrical impedance analysis, NT-ProBNP and inferior vena cava sonography in the assessment of body fluid volume in children with nephrotic syndrome. Nefrologia (Engl Ed). 2018 Jan-Feb;38(1):48-56. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 Jul 25.

A11. Nalcacioglu H, Ozkaya O, Genc G, Ayyildiz S, Kefeli M, Elli M, Aydin O, Ceyhan Bilgici M.Efficacy of anakinra in a patient with systemic amyloidosis presenting as amyloidoma. Int J Rheum Dis. 2018 Feb;21(2):552-559. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13250. Epub 2017 Dec 13.

A12.  Höcker B, Aguilar M, Schnitzler P, Pape L, Dello Strologo L, Webb NJA, Bald M,  Genc G , Billing H, König J, Büscher A, Kemper MJ, Marks SD, Pohl M, Wigger M, Topaloglu R, Rieger S, Krupka K, Bruckner T, Fichtner A, Tönshoff B.Incomplete vaccination coverage in European children with end-stage kidney disease prior to renal transplantation. Pediatr Nephrol. 2018 Feb;33(2):341-350. doi: 10.1007/s00467-017-3776-3. Epub 2017 Oct 5.PMID: 28983694

A13.  Bıçakcı Ü,  Genç G , Tander B, Günaydın M, Demirel D, Özkaya O, Rızalar R, Arıtürk E, Bernay F. Single port laparoscopic and open surgical accesses of chronic peritoneal dialysis in children: A single center experience over 12 years. J Minim Access Surg. 2016 Apr-Jun;12(2):162-6. doi: 10.4103/0972-9941.147364.

A14. Genc Gurkan, Kilinc V, Bedir A, Ozkaya O. Effect of creatine and pioglitazone on Hk-2 cell line cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Ren Fail. 2014 Jun 17:1-4.
A15. Genc Gurkan, Okuyucu A, Meydan BC, Yavuz O, Nisbet O, Hokelek M, Bedir A, Ozkaya O. Effect of free creatine therapy on cisplatin-induced renal damage. Ren Fail. 2014 May 21:1-6
A16. Ozkaya O, Nalcacioglu H, Tekcan D, Genc Gurkan, Meydan BC, Ozdemir BH, Baysal MK, Keceligil HT. Eculizumab therapy in a patient with dense-deposit disease associated with partial lipodystropy. Pediatr Nephrol. 2014 Jul;29(7):1283-7. doi: 10.1007/s00467-013-2748-5
A17. Acikgoz Y, Can B, Bek K, Acikgoz A, Ozkaya O, Genc Gurkan, Sarikaya S. The effect of simvastatin and erythropoietin on renal fibrosis in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction. Ren Fail. 2014 Mar;36(2):252-7. doi: 10.3109/0886022X.2013.836936
A18. Elli M, Sungur M, Genc Gurkan, Ayyildiz P, Dagdemir A, Pinarli FG, Acar S. The late effects of anticancer therapy after childhood Wilm’s tumor: the role of diastolic function and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013 Oct;43(10):1004-11. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyt105
A19. Gurkan Genc, B.Avci, C.Aygun, O.Ozkaya, S.Kucukoduk. “Urinary NGAL in septic preterm babies: A preliminary study”, Am J Perinatol. 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1329692.
A20. H. Nalcacioglu, E. Ozden, Gurkan Genc, Y.K. Yakupoglu, “An uncommon cause of acute kidney injury in young children: Cystinuria”, Journal of Pediatric Urology , 2012 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2012.08.006
A21. M. Kilic, F. Ozturk, Gurkan Genc, S.N. Guner, L. Yıldız, R. Sancak, “Sodium nitroprusside and toxic epidermal necrolysis”, Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2012;30:243-5.
A22. H. Nalcacioglu, D. Tekcan, Gurkan Genc, A. Comba, B.C. Meydan, G. Caltepe, O. Ozkaya, A.G. Kalayci, “A rare cause of nephrotic syndrome in a 14-year-old boy: Pediatric Nephrol, 2012 , DOI: 10.1007/s00467-012-2284-8
A23. Gurkan Genc , U Bicakci, M Gunaydin, B Tander, C Aygun, O Ozkaya, R Rizalar, E Ariturk, S Kucukoduk, F Bernay, “Temporary Peritoneal Dialysis in Newborns and Children: A Single-Center Experience over Five Years”, Ren Fail. 2012;34(9):1058-61, DOI: 10.3109/0886022X.2012.715574
A24. Gurkan Genc, O. Ozkaya, B. Avci, C. Aygun, S. Kucukoduk, “Kidney Injury Molecule-1 as a Promising Biomarker for Acute Kidney Injury in Premature Babies”, Am J Perinatol. 2012 Aug 8, DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1323587
A25. Gurkan Genc, O. Ozkaya, C. Aygun, Y.K. Yakupoglu, H. Nalcacioglu, “Vaccination Status of Children Considered for Renal Transplant: Missed Opportunities for Vaccine Preventable Diseases”, Exp Clin Transplant. 2012 Aug;10(4):314-8, DOI: 10.6002/ect.2012.0059
A26. H. Nalcacioglu, Gurkan Genc, B.C. Meydan, O. Ozkaya, “Hyperkalaemia in a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus”, Pediatr Nephrol. 2012 Sep;27(9):1499-503, DOI: 10.1007/s00467-011-2043-2
A27. Y Acikgoz, O Ozkaya, K Bek, Gurkan Genc, SG Sensoy , M Hokelek, “Cryptosporidiosis: a rare and severe infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient.”, Pediatr Transplant. 2012 Jun;16(4):E115-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2011.01473.x
A28. G Alayli, D Durmus, O Ozkaya, HE Sen , Gurkan Genc , O Kuru, “Frequency of juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome in children with familial Mediterranean fever: effects on depression and quality of life”, Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Nov-Dec;29(6 Suppl 69):S127-32
A29. Gurkan Genc, O Ozkaya, Y Acikgöz, O Yapici, K Bek, S.G. Sensoy , E Ozyurek, “Acute renal failure with acyclovir treatment in a child with leukemia”, Drug Chem Toxicol. 2010 Apr;33(2):217-9, DOI: 10.3109/01480540903311076
A30. O Ozkaya, Gurkan Genc, K Bek, Y Sullu, “A case of acetaminophen (paracetamol) causing renal failure without liver damage in a child and review of literature”, Ren Fail. 2010;32(9):1125-7, DOI: 10.3109/0886022X.2010.509830
A31. Gurkan Genc, O.Ozkaya, K.Bek, Y.Acikgoz, M.Danaci, “A rare cause of recurrent hematuria in children: Nutcracker Syndrome”, J Trop Pediatr. 2010 Aug;56(4):275-7, DOI: 10.1093/tropej/fmp121
A32. Gurkan Genc, A.Sarac, N.E.Atay, F.Kulalı, “Floating-Harbor syndrome: case report”, Minerva Pediatr. 2008 Apr;60(2):249-51.
A33. Gurkan Genc, H.Dursun, A.Sarac, B.Dalgıc, “Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome with congenital hepatic fibrosis”, Mymensingh Med J. 2007 Jul;16(2 Suppl):S63-66.
A34. Gurkan Genc, N.E.Atay, E.Kepenekli, N.Yaralı, “May thrombosis be a cause of congenital extremity absence?”, Indian J Pediatr. 2007 May;74(5):497-9.
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
B1. H. Nalcacioglu, D. Tekcan, A. Comba, Gurkan Genc, G. Caltepe, O. Ozkaya, A.G. Kalayci, Hydatid cyst disease presenting with nephrotic syndrome in a child, 45th European Society for Peadiatric Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1718 pp., Krakow, Polonya, Eylül 2012
B2. H. Nalcacioglu, Y.K. Yakupoglu, Gurkan Genc, N. Belet, G. Sensoy, A. Birinci, O. Ozkaya, Disseminated fungal infection by Aureobasidium pullunans in a renal transplant recipient. 45th European Society for Peadiatric Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1827 pp., Krakow, Polonya, Eylül 2012
B3. H. Nalcacioglu, Gurkan Genc, D. Tekcan, Y.K. Yakupoglu, S. Sarikaya, O. Ozkaya, Clinical analysis based on 23 Nutcracker syndrome in a single center experience. 45th European Society for Peadiatric Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1734 pp.,Krakow, Polonya, Eylül 2012
B4. Gurkan Genc, B. Avci, C. Aygun, O. Ozkaya, S. Kucukoduk, Urinary NGAL in septic preterm babies: A preliminary study. 45th European Society for Peadiatric Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1765 pp., Krakow, Polonya, Eylül 2012
B5. Gurkan Genc, G. Caltepe, O. Ozkaya, H. Nalcacioglu, M. Hokelek, A.G. Kalayci, Helicobacter Pylori seropositivity in children with chronic renal failure. 45th European Society for Peadiatric Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1780 pp., Krakow, Polonya, Eylül 2012
B6. U. Bicakci, B. Tander, M. Gunaydin, Gurkan Genc, S. Ayyildiz, R. Rizalar, E. Ariturk, F. Bernay, Insertion of Laparascopic Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter: A simple technique. 12th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons. 20 pp., Londra, İngiltere, Kasım 2011
B7. Gurkan Genc, O. Ozkaya, B. Avci, C. Aygun, S. Kucukoduk, Role of urine kidney injury molecule-1 as an early marker of acute renal failure in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology. 1624 pp., Dubrovnik, Hırvatistan, Eylül 2011
B8. H. Nalcacioglu, E. Ozden, Gurkan Genc, S. Ozsevik, R. Sancak, O. Ozkaya, A rare cause of acute kidney failure in a young child; bilateral nephrolithiasis. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology. 1626 pp., Dubrovnik, Hırvatistan, Eylül 2011
B9. Y.Acikgoz, B.Can, K.Bek, A.Acikgoz, O.Ozkaya, Gurkan Genc, S.Sarikaya, Effect of simvastatin and erythropoetin on renal fibrosis in obstructive nephropathy. The fifteenth Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. 79 pp., New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Eylül 2010
B10. Y. Acikgoz, O. Ozkaya, K. Bek, Gurkan Genc, S.G. Sensoy, M. Hokelek, N. Buyan, Cryptosporidiosis: A rare and severe infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient. 9th Congress of the Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs. 41 pp., Antalya, Türkiye, Kasım 2009
B11. Gurkan Genc, A.Ucakturk, C.Kara, K.Bek, Y.Acikgoz, O.Ozkaya, Nephropatic cystinosis with nutritional rickets. 1st International Cystinosis Conference in East Mediterranean. Ankara, Türkiye, Ekim 2009
B12. O Ozkaya, Gurkan Genc, K Bek, Y Sullu, A case of acetaminophen (paracetamol) causing renal failure without liver damage in a child and review of literature. 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology. 10 pp., Birmingham, İngiltere, Eylül 2009
B13. Gurkan Genc, O Ozkaya, Y Acikgöz, O Yapici, K Bek, S.G. Sensoy , E Ozyurek, Acute renal failure with acyclovir treatment in a 6 years old child. 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology. 10 pp., Birmingham, İngiltere, Eylül 2009
B14. M.Oksuz, O.Ozkaya, Gurkan Genc, K.Bek, Y.Acikgoz, S.Arslan, Urinary tract infection in children: A local perspective. 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology. 114 pp., Birmingham, İngiltere, Eylül 2009
B15. G.Yilmaz, K.Yurdakok, Gurkan Genc, C.Karacan, Effect of passive smoking on infection rates and serum vitamins A,E,C concentrations of breastfed and non-breastfed infants. 25th annual meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease. 364 pp., Porto, Portekiz, Mayıs 2007
C. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
C1. Genc Gurkan, Ozkaya O, Ozden E, Varol S, Nalcacioglu H, Arslan S, Sarikaya S. Enuresis: Is it really isolated or not?. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 30:11-14;2013.
C2. Gurkan Genç, G.Çaltepe, O.Özkaya, H.Nalçacıoğlu, M.Hökelek, A.G.Kalaycı, Kronik böbrek yetmezliği nedeni ile diyaliz yapılan çocuklarda Helikobakter Pilori enfeksiyonu, Haseki Tıp Bülteni , 2013; 51: 1-4;2013
C3. M. Oksuz, Gurkan Genc, O. Ozkaya, K. Bek, S. Arslan, S. Sarikaya, “Clinical Characteristics of Urinary Tract Infectionsin a Tetiary Center”, The New Journal of Medicine 2013;30(1):66-71
C4. Gurkan Genç, A. Saraç, Ü. Ertan, “Çocuk Hastanesi acil servisine başvuran zehirlenme olgularının değerlendirilmesi”, Nobel Medicus Tıp Dergisi 2007;3(1): 18-22.
C5. S.Akbuğa, A.Ü. Kızılateş, M.Gündüz, Gurkan Genç, A. Kaçar, F.N. Çakmak, “Medium chain Acyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase eksikliği: Bir yenidoğan olgu sunumu”, Yeni Tıp Dergisi 2006;23:227-229.
C6. N.E.Atay, A.Saraç, Gurkan Genç, C. Karacan, A. Yöney, “Sanfilippo Sendromu: Tip IIIB”, Yeni Tıp Dergisi 2006;23:246-248.
C7. Gurkan Genç, G.Yılmaz, C.Karacan, N.Atay, A.Yöney, “Hepatitis seroprevalence among 2-6 year-old children of low socioeconomic class families”, Erciyes Medical Journal, 2006;28(4) 188-191.
C8.  Gurkan Genç , A.Saraç, G.Yılmaz, “Larsen syndrome: Report of a case with association of umbilical and inguinal hernia”, Yeni Medical Journal. 2006;23:225-226.
C9.  NE Atay,  Gurkan Genç , S.Ceylaner, A.Yöney, C.Karacan, “Two siblings with Smith McCort syndrome: a case report”, Ege Pediatric Bulletin 2006;13(3): 177-181.
C10.  NEAtay, O.Yemişen,  Gurkan Genç , CDKaracan, A.Yoney, “Congenital Orbital Giant Teratoma”, New Medical Journal 2005;22(3): 175-176.
C11.  C.Tayman,  Gurkan Genç , A.Saraç, Ü.Ertan, “Celiac Disease”, New Medical Journal 2005;22(2): 86-88.
C12.  NEAtay,  Gurkan Genç , N.Yaralı, A.Yöney, CDKaracan, “Acute leukemia presenting with seizures”, Aegean Pediatric Bulletin 2005;12(2): 117-120.
C13.  Gurkan Genc , ​​I.E.Pishkin, E.Polat, NEAtay, “Pulmonary hydatid cyst”, New Medical Journal 2005;22(1): 45-46.
C14.  NEAtay,  Gurkan Genc , ​​A.Akın, C.Karacan, A. Yöney, “The heavy price of a missed opportunity: Phenylketonuria”, New Medical Journal 2004;21(6): 354-357.
C15.  A.Zenciroğlu,  Gurkan Genc , ​​N.Demirel, AYBaş, M.Şahin, “Congenital knee dislocation”, New Medical Journal, 2004;21(5): 319-320.
C16.  Gurkan Genc , ​​I.Genc, ​​A.Saraç, H.Nalcacioglu, E.Pishkin, F.Atik, “Retinoblastoma”, New Medical Journal 2004;21(5): 295-296.
C17.  Gurkan Genc , ​​A.Saraç, S.Onuk, P.Zorlu, “A Case with Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis”, Medical Journal 2004;21(5): 280-281.
C18.  Gurkan Genc , ​​N.Celik, U.Ertan, “Erythema Nodosum”, New Medical Journal, 217-218 pp., 2004
C19.  Gurkan Genc , ​​Z.Arslan, S.Ozmen, C.Uner, “A Case of Bronchiolitis Obliterans”, New Medical Journal 2004;21(4): 217-218.
C20.  Gurkan Genc , ​​A.Saraç, M.Yüksek, C.Karacan, P.Zorlu, “Symic pneumonia due to thinner intoxication”, New Medical Journal 2004;21(1): 90-92.
C21.  Gurkan Genc , ​​E.Dağlar, G.Tanır, “Clinical manifestations and atypical forms of hepatitis A infection in childhood”, New Medical Journal 2004;21(1): 14-16.
D. Abstracts presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
D1.  G.Çaltepe,  Gürkan Genc , ​​Ö.Yüce, AGKalaycı, O.Özkaya, M.Hökelek, Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Children with Henoch-Shonlein Purpura. 9th National Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, 110 pp., Antalya, Turkey, October 2012.
D2.  H.Nalçacıoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , D.Tekcan, B.C.Meydan, O.Ozkaya, A rare acute kidney injury in children: Thinner inhalation. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 2 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D3.  Gürkan Genç , A.Okuyucu, B.C.Meydan, O.Yavuz, Ö.Nisbet, M.Hökelek, A.Bedir, O.Özkaya, Effect of creatine treatment on cisplatin nephrotoxicity. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 8 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D4.  Gürkan Genç , V.Kılınç, A.Bedir, O.Özkaya, Effects of creatine and pioglitazone on cisplatin nephrotoxicity induced on HK-2 cell lines. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 9 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D5.  H.Nalçacıoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , D.Tekcan, YKYakupoğlu, S.Sarikaya, O.Ozkaya, Clinical analysis of a patient with Nutcracker syndrome: A single center experience. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 15 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D6.  H.Nalçacıoğlu, YKYakupoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , N.Belet, G.Şensoy, A.Birinci, O.Özkaya, Fungal infection due to Aerobasidium pullunans in a renal transplant recipient. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 64 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D7.  H.Nalçacıoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , D.Tekcan, H.Özyürek, Ö.F.Aydın, O.Özkaya, Tacrolimus-induced increased intracranial pressure syndrome in a renal transplantation patient. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 65 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D8.  H.Nalçacıoğlu, D.Tekcan,  Gürkan Genç , A.Comba, BCMeydan, G.Çaltepe, AGKalaycı, O.Özkaya, A case of hydatid cyst disease presenting with nephrotic syndrome in childhood. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 81 pp., İzmir, Turkey, October 2012
D9.  D.Tekcan, H.Nalçacıoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , O.Özkaya, 10 type 4 RTA cases diagnosed with hyperkalemia. 7th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 87 pp., Izmir, Turkey, October 2012
D10.  E.Ozden, A.Sarıbaş, Y.Bostancı,  Gürkan Genç , YKYakupoğlu, O.Özkaya, Ş.Sarıkaya, Treatment of complex stone cases in childhood: Miniperc vs standard PNL?. 11th Turkish Pediatric Urology Congress. 86 pp., Antalya, Turkey, December 2011
D11.  E.Özden, F.Ataç, Y.Bostancı, YKYakupoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , O.Özkaya, S.Sarıkaya, Our laparoscopy experience in urological cases in the pediatric age group. 11th Turkish Pediatric Urology Congress. 88 pp., Antalya, Turkey, December 2011
D12.  F.Günindi, A.Uçaktürk, H.Nalçacıoğlu,  Gürkan Genç , C.Kara, O.Özkaya, M.Aydın, A rare cause of primary amenorrhea and hypertension: 17 alpha hydroxylase deficiency. 15. National Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress. 156 pp., İzmir, Turkey, November 2011
D13.  A.Ucakturk, C.Kara, B.Avcı,  Gürkan Genç , O.Özkaya, M.Aydın, Can urinary Kim-1 and NGAL levels be used as early markers of kidney damage in children with type 1 diabetes?. 15th National Pediatric Endocrine and Diabetes Congress. 187 pp., İzmir, Turkey, November 2011
D14.  U Bıçakçı,  Gürkan Genç , B.Tander, M.Günaydın, O.Özkaya, C.Aygün, Ş.Küçüködük, R.Rızalar, E.Arıtürk, F.Bernay. Surgical Problems in Transient Peritoneal Dialysis. 29th National Pediatric Surgery Congress & 2nd National Pediatric Urology Congress. 217 pp., İstanbul, Turkey, May 2011
D15.  U.Bıçakçı,  Gürkan Genç , B.Tander, M.Günaydın, O.Özkaya, R.Rızalar, E.Arıtürk, F.Bernay, Laparoscopic Approach in Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. 29th National Congress of Pediatric Surgery & 2nd National Congress of Pediatric Urology. 218 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2011
D16.  B.Tander, U.Bıçakçı, M.Günaydın,  Gürkan Genç , S.Ayyıldız, R.Rızalar, E.Arıtürk, F.Bernay, Laparoscopic Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Placement: A Simple Technique. 29th National Congress of Pediatric Surgery & 2nd National Congress of Pediatric Urology. 483 pp., Istanbul, Turkey, May 2011
D17.  G.Alayli, D.Durmus, H.Nalcacioglu, HESen,  Gurkan Genc , ​​O.Ozkaya, O.Kuru, Frequency of juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome in children with Familial Mediterranean Fever. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress. 244 pp., Antalya, Turkey, May 2011
D18.  Y.Acikgoz, B.Can, K.Bek, A.Acikgoz, O.Ozkaya,  Gurkan Genc , ​​S.Sarikaya, Effects of simvastatin and erythropoietin on renal fibrosis in obstructive nephropathy. 6. National Pediatric Nephrology Congress. 16 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D19.  O.Özkaya,  Gürkan Genç , GSAcar, K.Bek, H.Bağcı, Ş.Arslan, T.Akpolat, Phenotype-genotype relationship in pediatric patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever and comparison of two different clinical criteria. 6th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 17 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D20.  H.Nalçacıoğlu, O.Özkaya,  Gürkan Genç , Ü.Belet, L.Akkuş, A.Yıldıran, A case of renal artery stenosis presenting with hyponatremia-hypertensive syndrome. 6th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 35 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D21.  Gürkan Genç , O.Özkaya, E.Özden, H.Nalçacıoğlu, S.Varol, Ş.Arslan, Ş.Sarıkaya, Enuresis: Is it really monosymptomatic?. 6. National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 42 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D22. H.Nalçacıoğlu, O.Özkaya,  Gürkan Genç , AECetinkol, M.Aydın, A case of Familial Mediterranean Fever presenting with acute glomerulonephritis and prolonged febrile myalgia. 6. National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 89 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D23. H.Nalçacıoğlu, O.Özkaya,  Gürkan Genç , B.Can, B.Öncü, Ö.F.Aydın, A case of systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with type 4 RTA. 6th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 115 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D24.  O.Özkaya, M.Öksüz,  Gürkan Genç , K.Bek, Ş.Arslan, Ş.Sarıkaya, Clinical characteristics of patients presenting to a tertiary health center due to urinary tract infection. 6th National Congress of Pediatric Nephrology. 123 pp., Ankara, Turkey, October 2010
D25. S.Tufekçi,  Gürkan Genç , C.Aygün, K.Bek, S.Ayyıldız, R.Rızalar, Ş.Küçüködük, E.Arıtürk, B.Tander, O.Özkaya, Antenatal/neonatal hydronephrosis: Ondokuz Mayıs University Experience. 18th National Neonatology Congress. 182-183 pp., Bodrum, Turkey, April 2010
D26.  Gürkan Genç , O.Özkaya, K.Bek, Y.Açıkgöz, M.Danacı, Ş.Arslan, A rare cause of hematuria: Nutcracker syndrome. Turkish Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress. 60 pp., Antalya, Turkey, November 2009
D27.  U.Sevgican,  Gürkan Genç , O.Şener, Prevalence of atopy in children presenting with chronic cough. 14. National Congress of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 18 pp., Antalya, Turkey, November 2006
D28.  Gürkan Genç , G.Yılmaz, HNPeltek, M.Koçak, M.Doğan, A case of Larsen syndrome with inguinal and umbilical hernia. 2. Uludağ Winter Congress of Pediatrics. 187 pp., Bursa, Turkey, February 2006
D29.  NE Atay, M.Şahin, Ö.Özgür,  Gürkan Genç , E.Pişkin, A.Yöney, C.Karacan, Evaluation of the knowledge and approaches of parents about their children’s fever in the emergency outpatient clinic. 2. National Congress of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care. 242 pp., Nevşehir, Turkey, June 2005
D30.  M.Sahin,  Gurkan Genc , ​​NEAtay, A.Yöney, CDKaracan, Sturge-Weber syndrome: A case report. 1st Uludag Pediatrics Winter Congress. 136 pp., Bursa, Turkey, February 2005
D31.  O. Yemişen,  Gurkan Genc , ​​NE Atay, A. Yöney, G. Yılmaz, CD Karacan, A Case Report with Orbital Teratoma. 1st Uludag Pediatrics Winter Congress. 151 pp., Bursa, Turkey, February 2005
D32.  Gurkan Genc , ​​G.Yılmaz, S.Ozkasap, N.Atay, C.Karacan, A.Yöney, Hepatitis A seroprevalence in children aged 2-6 years from families with low socioeconomic status in Ankara region. 1st Uludag Pediatrics Winter Congress. 160 pp., Bursa, Turkey, February 2005
D33.  G.Yılmaz,  Gürkan Genç , T.Yılmaz, C.Karacan, A.Yöney, The role of intranasal steroid in the treatment of acute sinusitis in children. 1. Uludağ Pediatrics Winter Congress. 160 pp., Bursa, Turkey, February 2005
D34.  Gürkan Genç, A.Saraç, F.Demirçeken, H.Nalçacıoğlu, A case report with intestinal lymphangiectasia and congenital lymphedema. 48th National Pediatric Congress. 288 pp., Samsun, Turkey, September 2004
D35.  Gürkan Genç , Z.Arslan, S.Özmen, F.Erol, Ç.Uyar, Bronchiolitis obliterans: a case report. 3rd National Pediatric Respiratory Diseases Congress. Kuşadası, Turkey, April 2004
D36.  Gürkan Genç , A.Saraç, M.Yüksek, P.Zorlu, Thinner intoxication resulting in simultaneous pneumonia. 39th Turkish Pediatric Congress. 451 pp., Nevşehir, Turkey, June 2003
D37. Gurkan  Genc , ​​A.Saraç, M.Yüksek , C.Karacan, P.Zorlu, A case report with pigmented purpuric dermatosis. 39th Turkish Pediatric Congress. 549 pp., Nevsehir, Turkey, June 2003
38.  Gurkan Genc , ​​A.Saraç, M.Yüksek, C.Karacan, P.Zorlu, A case report with papillon-lefevre syndrome. 39th Turkish Pediatric Congress. 562 pp., Nevsehir, Turkey, June 2003
D39.  Gurkan Genc , ​​G.Tanir, N.Gol, Clinical manifestations and atypical forms of hepatitis A infection in childhood. 3rd National Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress. 123 pp., Izmir, Turkey, May 2003